February 25, 2012

Seal the Deal / GBL Diary Entry

I have always loved the idea and look of sealing wax on a letter. It was at the Olustee Reenactment Festival (see Olustee blog below dated Feb. 20, 2012), in one of many of their sutler stores where old fashioned merchandise is sold, that I saw the stamps and wax. So, I splurged and got both a J and an M stamps for Jane Marie. In this day and time when hand written letters are becoming rare, it may seem an odd thing, but not in my world. Now, to whom shall I send a snail mail letter?  Ah, my dear friend Bonnie or the grandparents or an aunt or... Perhaps I'll need more sealing wax after all. That makes me happy!  
Practice #1
Practice #2

The Goodbye Lie Diaries 
Fernandina on Amelia Island, Florida

Miss Ella Dunnigan
Miss Ella writes: Oh, I am so pleased to hear such delights for you and necessities for us like sealing wax are still available and still in use by people who treasure tradition.  May it ever be so.

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