May 11, 2011

Blog's 1st Anniversary

the purple & pink mailbox
- Sorry, you'll have to be patient for an answer to your
snail mail. We have to wait until the cement
hen in the box lays her cement eggs.
Yes friends, together, we have completed one year of this friendly, fried and fantastic Gracious Jane Marie's Blog Blog Blog, or so some of you have described it.  It's been a ton of fun for me to guide you through my wacky world of historic suspense novels, and novels in the making, craft ideas, recipes, Lucy moments and whatever strikes me as entertainment. Where would the enjoyment be for any of us if I kept all the crazy stuff in my head and never released it to you?  Now I ask you, what kind of friend would I be? 

Here's to another successful year, full of everything good for each one of us.

Hugs and Blisses!

Jane Marie

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