March 8, 2014

Quick Fix

Did you just get a phone call from a friend or relative saying she, he or they were just around the corner and would arrive at your place in five minutes? There are dishes in the sink and the dishwasher is full of dirty or clean dishes! What can you do?

Remove the top rack in the oven. Find a basin or bucket that will fit in the oven. Quickly fill it with the dirty dishes and hide them in the oven. Just don't forget they are in there and turn it on the next morning to preheat.

This handy hint came from the mother of  Jo Nix. Thanks, Mom!

PS With all the ways I try to avoid or hasten my time spent doing chores, I'm ashamed of myself for never thinking of this.  Of course, in the past, I have gotten really good at barring the way with a sawhorse and zigzagging caution tape across the kitchen entrance.  

What a mess!