May 2, 2017

Precious Portrait

Jeremy, a young man we have come to know and care about, drew this portrait of my husband, Bruce, and me.   A smidge wrinkled by way of snail mail, that doesn't matter.  We have framed it and it is sitting on the marble-topped table in our parlor. For someone to take seconds, minutes and hours out of their life to create this gift, touches both our hearts. 
     In my thank you note to Jeremy, I tried to express our gratitude for his wonderful work.  I closed my note with the words, "Not only are you such a good artist that we look like humans, not aliens from outer space,  I can never draw faces, myself, but I will remain forever young.  Bruce and I will treasure it always."
     Thank you, Jeremy.  I just had to share with you, my friends.

#portrait, #AmeliaIsland, #framed, #art, #treasure, #alien, #goodbyelie

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