September 2, 2012


The latch on the gate into our courtyard is broken again. All the pieces are there but it doesn’t line up or something technical like that. Because of either the myriad of visitors we have to stately Martha Manor or the ocean wind banging the gate shut and bending the latch, it is now time to replace the closure. Over the years, my husband Bruce has cobbled, excuse me, repaired many a latch.  Being a mechanical mastermind, as he likes to refer to himself, this time the solution requires no grease, no hammer, no screwdriver, no saw and no ax. This time he uses a spatula! Yes, insert the spatula under the latch and lift. Easy as that!
In the event the spatula blows off the top of the nearby column where he keeps it for easy access, then he suggests you come prepared with your own spatula in hand. To prevent the flapjack flipper from falling into the bushes or the visiting kitties, Oddie or Odette, from carrying it off for a hearty breakfast of their own, I mentioned he, Bruce, might attach it to a piece of yarn. Not being his own idea, he is considering it. Having the sense of urgency of a glacier, Bruce is otherwise occupied with the repair to the torn holes in the plastic shower curtain liner. You know, where the shower curtain rings go through to hang the thing on the rod. We are now up to three torn holes as he ponders the answer. From the grapefruit knife to the rubber squeegee, whatever he comes up with, I proudly declare, "I recognize a genius when I see one!”