January 22, 2013

Marriage Saved

My marriage is saved. Not because Bruce has finally decided to follow my every edict, order and whim. Where's the fun in that anyway? It's because we've discovered the wonders of closed caption (cc) on the television! (Due to military service, Bruce has to blast the TV.) It is so much more than words on the screen. While that helps him, my sanity is saved because the sound is now turned down and we won't blow the speakers either. As a bonus, I love closed caption! Truly, I do, and my hearing is normal. I love it because when the characters are whispering or sneaking around and don't want to be overheard, their voices are so soft, nobody can understand what they're saying except someone with cc, like us.  We just read along. And when they play a theme song or we watch a musical and a chorus is singing, and it's hard to make out the lyrics, we're on it. Or when there is fast, snappy banter, we don't miss a letter. Old movies are a joy, too, because of it.

Speaking of old movies, I read a quote on the screen I might have missed had we not used closed caption. In the 1954 The Last Time I Saw Paris movie with Van Johnson and Elizabeth Taylor, Walter Pigeon says, "To horse, my boy, to horse! Destiny hates a laggard!" Taken out of context, it might not sound funny, but check it out  on YouTube, where there is a video of the whole movie. Watch it because it's a good love story or fast forward the slider thingie to 19:16 minutes and watch the scene for two minutes. It cracked me up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMYntApVyXk.  You can also buy the movie if you like it at Amazon, http://www.amazon.com/Last-Time-Saw-Paris/dp/B0001PJDXE/ref=sr_1_10?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1358108718&sr=1-0&keywords=the+last+time+i+saw+paris.

One thing about closed caption isn't good. Watching live news is the only place where the typist can't keep up with the newscaster's talking, so that copy lags behind. In that case, we just turn off the cc. Some very old movies, don't have the cc either, but most do.

My advice is to try closed caption for giggles. Another plus is you sometimes see tons of typos and you know the typist didn't give a flip about the movie. It was just a job to them. Hey, if it was fun, they wouldn't call it work, huh?