Railroad Road Days has become an annual event in Callahan, Florida. Callahan is about 30 miles southwest of Fernandina Beach in north Florida. We have seen this festival grow over the years since my husband, Bruce, rode in their parade when he was mayor of Fernandina. Well, I met John Hendricks, a fellow writer, at a book signing and since he's the head of Railroad Days, he was kind enough to ask me to sign books in the Callahan depot during the event. The rain came but not until after they held their parade. Many of the vendors exited by 2 pm. The musicians did not. The tunes were still playing when we left. I met a lot of lovely people and took a close look at their railroad and other Callahan artifacts in the depot. If you're in the area next year around this time, stop by Callahan and enjoy Railroad Days and may the weather cooperate!
Callahan depot
John Hendricks in the bowler with other reenactors
kids' entertainment area
inside depot, in the days of segregation,
whites' ticket window on left, blacks' ticket window on right
Joy, a new friend from the Callahan Historical Society

John Hendrick's Following the Tracks of Daniel Callahan (hardcover)