Abby, the sometimes Talking, sometimes Singing, and now the Joke Telling Dog, once again delights her fans and tickles their giggle spots with a direct quote from the upcoming Amelia Island's Mark of a Man. Turn up the volume, click on the picture and smile!
If you can't quite understand what Abby is saying because of her canine accent, listen again, or read her words below and then laugh out loud:
"Ooo! A bug! You step on it, Aunt Noreen. You have the biggest feet!"
Fernandina on Amelia Island, Florida
Aunt Noreen writes: Honestly, Jane Marie. Sometimes I think you
Aunt Noreen |
deliberately encourage your dog to make fun of me. Just because Abby read Peeper's insulting quote in the manuscript of your next book, is no reason for you to put it on this blog, as you call it, for the whole world to hear and see. Peeper has already told the ladies at our monthly bunco game what she said and they tittered at me behind their fans. And you call yourself gracious? Anyone would guess you are blood-kin to Peeper because you both are so much alike. Do not assume I mean that as a compliment.
(Aunt Noreen and Peeper are featured players in Mark of a Man. They fuss, they fight, they're funny and always, always suffering at the hands of the other.)
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