I first heard a whinny, sharp and clear. I looked around for a horse pulling a tourist buggy. None in sight. My attention turned back to my book signing at Sea Jade, the best souvenir shop on Amelia Island, perhaps in the world, or so a passerby said. Then came a second whinny. This time, I thought it was, perhaps, a toy pony. I've seen such in magazines. "Realistic sound," the ad had read. Back to my books, again. A third whinny and then I saw it, a unicorn standing directly across from me, on Centre Street, in historic downtown Fernandina! How utterly sweet! They call her Rarity, a living version of the tiny horse from My Little Pony. She crossed the street, led by her owner from Savage Beast Farms in Fernandina Beach, Florida. Posing in front of my table of historical fiction books, it is the perfect fantasy come to life for a writer. Thank you for visiting, Rarity. You make everyone smile!
Jessica Savage Forbes, part of Rarity's family, is prepared for clean-up duty, just in case. (Jessica runs Retail Therapy on 8th Street in Fernandina - 904 277-1248)
For more info on Rarity and Savage Beast Farms with exotic birds and more miniature horses, call 904 557-1083.