March 28, 2016

Left Over Chocolate Recipes

My brother, Chief Bob Harkins, retired Navy, sounded in a panic when he called.  "Where are the left over chocolate recipes? There are none on your blog!" he accused.

I paused a moment, thinking it might be an odd question coming from someone else, but not Bobby. Why? Because he is extremely intelligent and thinks heavy-duty thoughts. This trait runs in the family.

Ever calm, I replied, "There are no leftover chocolate recipes because there is never any leftover chocolate."

Weighing the depth of my statement, he hung up, realizing my logic. 

Case in point:  Examine the photo above.  Can you identify the chocolate remains on the plate?  Yes, it is cocoa.  Why not candy bar crumbs or Easter bunny trimmings?  I will tell you why.  My less-than-sainted husband, Bruce, found and ate the one last candy bar I had tucked away for purposes of leaving a mini-scrap of chocolate for this particular blog photo.  With no other chocolate in the house, I was reduced to sprinkle cocoa powder on the plate for the visual effect of there never being any leftover chocolate.  I hope you can forgive him.

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