May 12, 2017

The Lone Flower

As I thought of what to write for Mother's Day and looked through my photos, I found this picture. It is a single blossom, like a wild petunia, if there is such a thing, in full bloom.  All alone on the hot sand of our Amelia Island,  I snapped the shot on the way home from church one Sunday morning. I thought how pretty and proud it was at the time and how very strong it was to endure the blistering sun.  I didn't know where I would use the picture on this blog until now. 

It reminds me of my mother, Marie, but not only my mother. To me, it represents all mothers.  The white of it is her purity of heart.  And oh, how a mother does adore her family-  This flower stands strong and alone like happens so often.  Mothers can and often are the ones who must remain power-filled when others collapse from the strain of life.  The matriarchs hold us together for a mother is ever dependable. The vine in the picture is her lifeline to family and friends. The green leaves represent her children and husband and parents and siblings and relatives. It doesn't take a lot to satisfy a mother. Like this flower, no luxurious soakings in spring water and no expensive food or fertilizer is needed to keep her going. She is beautiful without all the frivolity because her beauty comes in the form of kindness, caring, reliability, generosity and pure love. 

So what does your mother want more than flowers or jewels or her favorite restaurant, all of which are lovely gifts, don't get me wrong.  I dare say, as a mother, and speaking to other mothers, what we want is our family about us.  Everybody is busier today than they were yesterday.  That is the way of the world. And often many miles separate us. Still, we all think of our mothers on and off throughout the hours.  When we do, stop a moment and call to say hi. Dash off a text or, what is better, if you can't be with your mom, hand write and snail mail a note to her. She will prize it forever.

Living or gone home to her God, treasure her in thought and deed. Take that straight path she taught you to follow as a child because every day is Mother's Day, or should be, if you think about it.  

Thank you, Mom.

#Mothersday, #holiday, #snailmail, #AmeliaIsland, #celebrate, #love, #parent, #mom, #thankyoumom

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