August 14, 2017

Aunt Noreen's Favorite Song - Goodbye Lie Diaries

Fernandina on Amelia Island, Florida

     Aunt Noreen writes:  Oh, Jane Marie.  I heard you playing I Don't Want To Play In Your Yard.  How you are able ,in your time, to do this will forever be a puzzlement to me.  No matter, this is a new song in my time and I adore it. I only recently received my copy of the sheet music in yesterday's mid-morning post. I am thrilled to add it to my very large collection of such. Once I learn to play our square grand piano, this will be one of my first pieces. In the meanwhile, I will have Miss Ella play it for me.  She hits a wrong key occasionally, but then only our Lord is perfect.  Isn't that right?
Aunt Noreen
    You must be wondering just why I love this song so.  It is because it carries me back to my childhood.  The song tells the tale of  little girls who quarrel and make up and quarrel and make up.  As I think on it, my life is still that way.  While I have so very many friends, more than most other people, my friends can be so unreasonable and difficult at times.  I realize today this song still describes the spats caused by the now grown girls who attack me. I won't name names, but that adopted Dunnigan grandmother, who is short and fat and lives next door, never apologizes for her harsh words toward me, but the other women who offend me, usually do. They cannot endure their otherwise grim lives if I, Fernandina's true society-sophisticate, turn from them.
     Jane Marie tells me you should "click on the arrow in the picture" above and the music will begin. As you listen, think of me and the trials I live through because some women can be just awful.   

YouTube from Sheet Music Singer
words by Philip Wingate
composed by H. W. Petrie                               
Published - National Music Co., Chicago, 1894                         

Aunt Noreen is a featured character in The Goodbye Lie series, an  Irish family saga in E-book and paperback at  Jane Marie Malcolm's author page here: The Goodbye Lie series

#sheetmusic, #grandpiano, #youtube, #AmeliaIsland, #AuntNoreen, #Peeper, #drama, #Irishfamily, #series, #novel, #beach, #romance, #mystery, #family, #touching

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