February 7, 2017

Your Favorite Romantic Couple

Readers often ask me which couple in my Amelia Island's      
Goodbye Lie series is my favorite.  Since I gave birth to each of these characters, that is like asking me who my favorite child is.  I love them all because each one touches me in a different way.  I won't single out any specific player or give any hints whatsoever lest I hurt someone's feelings. Should that happen, they will let me hear about it in their Goodbye Lie Diaries

But I will ask you.  Who is your favorite couple?  (This is not one of my unscientific surveys.)  For those who have read all three books in the series, I would be surprised if you didn't find one of the three pairs more likeable or romantic or devoted than another.  And for those who have yet to read all three, I invite you to delve into their love stories. Why?  Because everybody loves a lover ...

the LURE, the LOVE, the LEGEND
 Waite and Breelan in          


his WANT, his WILL, his WAY

 Carolena and Grey in

Amelia Island's Velvet Undertow E-book ($3.99) and Paperback Available Here


the RAINS, the RAGE, the ROMANCE
of Amelia Island's Mark of a Man