1. Take a digital face shot of yourself or anyone who might appreciate your keen eye for color mixing. You can have someone take the photo of you,with your face washed/in full make up and your hair combed, you can extend your arm and shoot the shot yourself or you can set the self timer and stand in front of the camera. Remember, the beauty of digital is you can take as many pictures as you want and they're free. Just delete the less than attractive shots. (Don't forget - off center is perfectly fine. Check out commercials and interviews on TV and notice how many are off center!)
2. Transfer the best photos to you computer. Be sure and save the original picture and start playing with a copy in your photo software program. 3. Here is where the fun begins. You will probably find choices like: adjust exposure that includes brightness and contrast. There may also be adjust color that has color temperature, tint and saturation.. My software has bars you move to the right or left for maximum or minimum result. Slide back and forth and see what wonders you achieve!
With very little effort, you can create a thing of beauty at the same time removing all your wrinkles. How can you go wrong?
Hugs and blisses!
Jane Marie
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