June 17, 2012

What Are 3 Fun Things About Your Father?

I thought Father's Day had been officially around about as long as Mother's Day, which became a formal national day of celebration by President Woodrow Wilson in 1914.  Was I ever wrong.  Richard Nixon finally made Father's Day a permanent holiday in 1972!

I was thinking about my father and decided to list three memories I hadn't thought of in a long time.

1. Whenever his children were sick and stayed home from school, he'd present us with a small gift, like a comic book, in a brown paper bag. 

2. I played 45 records on my little record player in the attic on weekends and after school as, day after day, Daddy worked to  transform the huge room,  into a bedroom for his girls.

3. He made special tether ball paddles for the children to hit a small rubber ball because it hurt our hands to slap the big ball on the rope.  

Come up with your own memories and enjoy!

Leo Harkins, my father
