July 28, 2012

Goodbye Lie Diaries - Another Peeperism

Fernandina on Amelia Island, Florida

Grandmother Peeper
Grandmother Peeper, player in Amelia Island's GOODBYE LIE Triology writes:

If'n you are one a them folks who's so pig headed, ya won't change your ways fer nothin' or ya always dun somethin' one way and, by wingle, you won't never do it no other way, well, my friend, you are what I call a rut-stucker.  Yes, sir. Yes, ma'am. You are stuck in a rut. Ain't nothing' ta be proud of. Don't be like that Aunt Noreen.  Why Noreena is such a rut-stucker, she still wears that same smelly perfume which I'm aguessin' she must make herself out in the barn cause it smells like...like what she finds in the barn. How poor Clabe ever got close enough ta her ta produce two children is beyond my knowin'. That man must have a stopped up smeller, is all I kin think. So Noreena is a rut-stucker fer certain!  And who ever wants ta be like her is crazy. So just don't be.