September 12, 2017

Semi-Ingenious Repair

     I am sure there are those who would be thrown to discover they had a hole in the only pants they had with them. Not me. Other than having to go to the trouble of shopping for new britches, such a hardship, not, I was content to finish-out the day dressed in the same clothes in which I had begun that day. You see, I like to think I would have made a good frontier woman, sharp shooting, plowing, dipping candles, kneading bread and all, so a little rip in my drawers is nothing to a gal who would be able to milk cows, churn butter and slop the hogs all at the same time.
     However, because a mini-speck of my skin  was visible via the hole, the difference between my flesh tone and the white of the pants caused most eyes within twenty feet to take notice and the owners of those eyes to comment, "Do you know you have a hole in your pants?"
     My remedy to relieve their worry?  I raided the first aid kit of one Band-Aid, opened it and placed the sterile white pad to the inside of my pants, pressing the sticky tabs firmly to the fabric, covering and masking the hole. 
     Lest I carry one extra of everything I am wearing each day, I shall depend upon the resources learned whilst I was a Girl Scout, a bit of ingenuity, and a whole bunch of dumb luck to get me through. Prayers for the big stuff, although my dearest friend, Bonnie, once told me, "There is no prayer too small."  I like to remember that.  
#dumbluck, #ingenuity, #mend, #holeinyourpants, #silly, #handy, #GoodbyeLie, #drama, #family 

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