Fernandina on Amelia Island, Florida
Grandmother Peeper |
Peeper writes: Do ya got a problem with them pesky crickets a chirpin' and keepin' ya up most a the night? Take a banana peel or two, chop 'um up and scatter 'um outside near the doors and winders. Don't know if them crickets is quiet cause they're eatin' the peels or cause they don't like the smell. Now, I ain't never tried this myself. Ifn it don't work, blame Aunt Noreen!
Aunt Noreen |
Aunt Noreen writes: Peeper Clegg! How dare you go telling Jane Marie's friends I peel bananas to feed crickets! You have your stories mixed up, again. Mrs. Ickles is the one who feeds the crickets. Everybody knows I can't endure the feel of banana peels on my fingers. My Clabe peels and slices my bananas for me to eat only, because he adores me so. Besides, cotton in my ears works just as well at blocking out pesky cricket noises and bothersome old pickle-plumpers like you! Don't be using my name again unless it is in an honorable way.
Peeper writes: All I know is that you're the craziest old chicken I ever seen. I cain't understand how you're aunt to my Breelan and Carolena and Marie and Jack Patrick. Theys all got sense. Somebody must a banged your head on the door jam when you was a baby, is what I say.
***Peeper and Aunt Noreen and all mentioned in the above diary entry are neighbors in Jane Marie Malcolm's The Goodbye Lie historical suspense novels set on Amelia Island.